Check out Personalized from photo drop down and see what i can do with your photos.
304 591-7140 Office. text/call 681 298-2968 Cel
Check out Personalized from photo drop down and see what i can do with your photos.
304 591-7140 Office. text/call 681 298-2968 Cel
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around. Are you looking for great gift ideas for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and holidays for family and friends? Then you have come to the right website. I can make great personalized crafts out of wood. My products can be special ordered & designed to meet your needs. If you have an idea for a design please contact me.
I have lived in Randolph County all my life. The beautiful
mountains and outdoors have always been a great interest to me.
I love taking rough wood and turning it into something
special. I am a Perfectionist when it comes to designing and making
my products. I spend many hours creating my wood designs and
making my artwork.
There are two distinct components comprising my work.
One is the software and the other is the wood to be engraved
or carved. I find creating both enjoyable. I especially enjoy the
design work on the computer. There are no limits to what I can
draw digitally using straight lines and curves. The drawing
is the majority of my art. Preparing the cherry boards is like
stretching the canvas on the frame to receive the paint from the
artists brush. All of my artwork is an expression of my vision
created in these digital drawings. Then my designs are sent to
a laser that understands my drawings. Then it creates the
final tangible artwork, true to my original vision in astonishing
detail. When I display it publicly at the different festivals and
crafts shows I enjoy the enthusiasm of the public’s appreciation.
They marvel over what wood is removed and seem fascinated
by the integrity of the final creation. It’s gratifying to me to know
it is so meaningful to them and they want to see my designs every
day in their home. I hope you will enjoy my designs and that they
have a special meaning to you, as they do for me.